
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A chip off Billy Joel block

A chip off Billy Joel block
Toronto Star - Ontario, Canada
... of her superstar parents, musician Billy Joel and supermodel Christie Brinkley, and a popular Web page (, Alexa Ray Joel has embarked ...

 Sure, she's the Piano Man's daughter, but Alexa Ray Joel is trying to do it her way

May 23, 2006. 01:00 AM




She doesn't have a recording contract or a finished demo, but with the financial backing of her superstar parents, musician Billy Joel and supermodel Christie Brinkley, and a popular Web page (, Alexa Ray Joel has embarked on a singing career.

With a complement of original songs, classified as pop/rock/soul, and a decent set of pipes, the 20-year-old performs in Toronto tomorrow at the Hard Rock Café. After doing shows here and there, the New York native is on her first extended tour, travelling by bus for a month with three musicians, a sound technician and a road manager.

She spoke to the Star by phone from an Arlington, Va., tour stop.

QHow's life on the road?

AIt's great. I'm lucky enough to have a nice bus. We have a TV and lots of space and a big bed in the back.... It's like a slumber party, but a long one.

QWhy are you doing this mini tour?

ATo prove to myself and others that I can play gigs. I don't really understand how so many people just do like one or two gigs, or gigs for like a month, and then get a record deal and then start right away with the promotion for it. I'd rather get as much experience as I can, because I'm my father's daughter — I kind of have to prove myself more.

QAre you concerned about people not taking you seriously?

AIt's their choice. They can always write me off as Billy Joel's privileged daughter, but if they don't give the music a chance, then it's not a very good argument. So far I've been getting a really positive reaction.... The fact that I do write my own songs and that I've been staying in little motels and just playing local venues for months now gives people no reason to think I'm just some sugar-coated pop thing.

QAre your parents funding your current endeavours?

AYes. My dad always says, `Well, it's less expensive than paying for you to go to college.'

QWhen did you decide to pursue a singing career?

AJust last summer. I was getting a little restless at NYU (New York University) and I really wanted to try something new. So I started to work with a vocal teacher, who told me, `You don't need voice lessons, you need to work with a band and get some stuff together.' So I started with these three guys who play bass, drums and guitar, and there was just a chemistry there and it felt so natural. After a few months of rehearsing my songs, we did the first show in December and it just took off right away.

QWhat were you studying at NYU?

AMusical theatre. Songwriting was always in the back of my head and I'd always wanted to pursue it, but I was scared and almost just putting it off. I guess musical theatre was almost a diversion.

QWas your father a big influence?

AI suppose so. Just watching my dad at the piano all the time, figuring out songs, gave me a peek into the whole process and the industry. We'd sing together and he'd play the piano. He was encouraging when I was learning the piano, but my mom was the one that really sat me down and made me practise.

QWhat does he think about you following his path?

AHe's very realistic about it and more cynical, which I think is a good thing. He says, "There's going to be a ton of people telling you to do all sorts of different things and throwing their opinions in your face. You really have to trust your opinion first, because your first instinct is a good one." And I'm learning this as I go, realizing how he's so right ...

Q What are your songs about?

ASome of it is classic teenage angst stuff and frustrations and insecurities, and some are just simple reflections on my life. In one, I'm angry about some guy; another is about how much in love I am; and another one ("The Revolution Song") is about wanting to start a revolution and being tired of the routines of society and school.

QWhat's up with the use of the f-word in "Revolution"? Is your first album going to come with a parental advisory sticker?

AI really don't know. I realize that song has big potential as a single, because it's catchy and so many people like it. I have started to limit myself. We played a show a couple days ago in Nashville and the audience was an older crowd and seemed to be kind of religious, so the second I got up there, I thought, "I can't curse tonight." And when we played a Catholic college, I didn't. This is something that I'm really going to have to think about, because when I wrote that line and that song it was perfect for the song and it really expressed the anger I was feeling, and I would hate to have to take it out, but that might be the smart thing to do."

QAs a model's daughter, you must have given some thought to your image. What kind of look are you going for? Sophisticated? Collegiate? Eye candy?

AI just want to be as true to my style ... as possible. I have a very eclectic style and I love exotic jewellery. I'm very much not a girly girl. I can't see myself being on the covers of magazines in glitzy shiny dresses. I'm all for showing off your body and being a woman. But there's a difference (if you're) exploiting it.

QAre you prepared for the rigours of living in the public eye?

AOnce you get big enough, there's always going to be some bad press. My dad said he was flattered when there were rumours going around that he was gay, because that really meant he'd made it, because it was such an absurd thing to spread about him.

QWhat does he say about your songs?

AMy dad always gives me feedback on my stuff and I always value his opinion. But ... if he tries to get specific, I don't let him. Because then he'd be writing my songs for me and I don't want that.

QAny chance of a Billy Joel duet on your debut album?

AThere's no way I'd collaborate with him before I'm established. That would be ... as much as I'm influenced by him and would love to collaborate with him, right now I'm trying to separate myself and do my work.



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