
Monday, September 18, 2006

Christie Brinkley to File for Divorce

Christie Brinkley to File for Divorce

The Insider Online - USA

In Brinkley family news, CHRISTIE BRINKLEY is preparing to file for divorce and her daughter ALEXA RAY JOEL reportedly fainted before a concert last Saturday ...


In Brinkley family news, CHRISTIE BRINKLEY is preparing to file for divorce and her daughter ALEXA RAY JOEL reportedly fainted before a concert last Saturday night.

Christie's 20-year-old daughter with BILLY JOEL reportedly wrote on her Internet blog, "I ended up fainting from stress, lack of sleep and just overall exhaustion about five minutes before the show... I woke up to find myself in an ambulance rushing me to a local hospital near the campus, and it was -- overall -- a pretty scary night." She is reportedly now fine.

And just two months after the news broke that Christie's husband, attorney PETER COOK, was having an affair with his 19-year-old assistant, the former supermodel has reportedly begun the process of filing divorce papers against her estranged spouse.

DAVID ARONSON, a lawyer from Peter Cook's attorney's office, said on Thursday that he has yet to see the complaint, but understands that a summons has already been filed.

Aronson also released the following statement regarding the dissolution of Brinkley and Cook's 10-year marriage: "We're trying to keep as low a profile as possible. (Peter) was hopeful that they could work out their difficulties and get on with their marriage. He loves his family. Peter is very saddened that it has come to this point. But he acknowledges that's where they are. His intention (and his lawyers have been instructed to) handle this as amicably and private as possible under the circumstances. We're not looking to get into he said she said. It's just not appropriate."



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