
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Alexa Ray Joel (Live Music)

I finally found some of Alexa's recent music in MP3 format.

The recording quality was live from one of her performances and was not professionally done. So the quality is not the greatest, but she has a really good sound! I'm looking forward to her releasing an album.

If you want to download the song, you can right click the links below and choose 'Save Target As'. Choose where you would like to store it and it will be there for you to upload to your IPod or MP3 player.

Alexa Ray Joel - Jaded
Alexa Ray Joel - Sapphire Night
Alexa Ray Joel - Resistance
Alexa Ray Joel - Make Me Your Own
Alexa Ray Joel - Far Away
Alexa Ray Joel - Revolution Song

Alexa recently released a small clip from the songs Jaded and Revolution Song on her Myspace account. Check it out...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Alexa. I'm almost can't speak. You are SO AWESOME. I seriously can't stop talking about you! Now I'm not only talking about your dad constantly, it's both. I really think you should come to Manitoba so I can see you! My friends and I are attempting to start our own band and you show me that success can happen. Thanks!

5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even thought she probably won't read that........

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find some information here.

8:39 AM  
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